
Term 3

Welcome back to a fun-filled term! Our tamariki were super excited to be back at school and this has already been a very busy week for us all, but it's great to be back :) We are working alongside one another really well and also checking our answers/work when we do our activities.  Our shared book this week was 'A good idea' and during our discussions, we found that the animals felt hot - through predictions using pictures for clues, but we didn't really know WHY they wanted to to all be under the shade, so we took a little walk outside and found the big tree to do some physical research. We talked about what was making the shade outside room 10 and when I asked the kids to stand under the shade, and then asked them how they felt, they said they felt, "cold" and "freezing" and then when I asked them to step outside the shade, into the sun with the question, "How do you feel now?" They responded with, "nice and warm" an...


What an awesome night we had on Thursday! Thank you to everyone that came and showed off their dance moves! We were extremely lucky that the weather cleared up and it wasn't pouring down like it was the night before! If you missed it due to ill health, don't worry - you can come to the next one!!

KA RAWE Derron!!

A HUGE PAKI PAKI to Derron for learning ALL his magenta (pink) words!! You are AMAZING and room 12 is so PROUD of you!! :) Well done!!

Homai Art Exhbition

This term we have been working together with our buddy classes (Rooms 5 and 15) to create art pieces for our exhibition and today was our day to shine! All our work was put together as part of a whole school exhibition and we had the opportunity to go and browse through and have a look at all the hard work everyone has done as a school wide project. Whanau - the exhibition is open for you to view tomorrow (27/06/18) and you can even purchase some masterpieces!



Matariki Expo

Here are a few pictures from the Matariki Expo we had in school :) Our tamariki really enjoyed all the different activities that were set out for the day. Thank you TMNaK for organising such a lovely experience!

Tino Pai Mahalia!

A huge congratulations to Mahalia who has learnt all her magenta (pink) words! All your hard work has paid off and room 12 is SUPER proud of you! It's a bitter sweet day as you are moving house and this also means that you are leaving us also. We will miss your bright and bubbly personality Mahalia - all the very best for the future. Ka kite and nui te aroha!